meyFC is a lightweight fibre cement flooring sheet suitable for both internal and external applications in residential and light
commercial buildings. Being water-resistant, it is a perfect substrate for use in wet areas and in balconies and decks.
meyFC is manufactured and tested to meet the requirements of AS/NZS 2908.2 Cellulose cement sheets – flat sheets. They are classed as Type A, Category 3.
Other properties of meyFC sheets include:
- Structural Adequacy to NCC 2022 (V1 Clause B1P1 & B1P2, V2 Clause H1P1).
- Unaffected by termites.
- Non-combustible (NCC 2022 V1 Clause C2D10, V2 Clause H3D2).
- Durable (AS/NZS 2908.2 Clauses 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.6).
- Critical radiant flux > 4.5kW/m2
- Smoke development rate < 750 %min
- Flammability index = 0
- Spread of flame index = 0
- Heat evolved index = 0
- Smoke-developed index = 1