Changes to the National Construction Code (NCC 2022) mean that set down wet areas will become increasingly common. These include: • A fall in the floor is now required to all floor wastes, including non- mandatory wastes. • The fall in the floor has been...
meyPOST4 posts are H4 treated and are designed to be used in external applications. They are strong (GL8 rated) and very durable. meyPOST4 posts are made from sustainable Radiata pine with a dressed smooth finish. meyPOST4 is glue laminated to ensure that the post stays...
meyCHOICE pre-primed mouldings and architraves are designed to be used in a variety of internal applications. To ensure long-term performance it is important to have an understanding of both the product and the installation process.
There are a lot of new LVL products coming into the market and many of them are being integrated into the supply chain, but how do you know they comply with Australian Standards?
meyCHOICE pre-primed lining boards are suitable for internal walls and ceilings as they are untreated. meyPINE3 pre-primed lining boards are H3 preservative treated profiled boards suitable for external walls and ceilings. To ensure long-term performance it is important to have an understanding of both the... lightweight fibre cement flooring Specification and User Guide Internal E xternal Solut i o n Storage and Handling meyFC sheets must be stacked flat on bearers spaced at maximum 600mm centres. Material should be stored indoors or otherwise protected from the weather. Care...